
Showing posts from January, 2012

The Gift of Life

Everybody has their own way to make a difference in the world. Some have the time to volunteer a regular amount of time every week.   Others give regularly to their charity of choice. Still others raise money for sporting events in which they participate. Some spend time on the computer clicking for a cause or e-mentoring. My husband and oldest sister donate in another way. They give blood to help save lives. January is National Blood Donor Month because during the winter people give blood less often.   Yet the need does not go away during the winter months.   In fact the Red Cross reports that every two seconds in the United States, someone needs blood and 44,000 units of blood are needed every day.   One pint of blood can help save up to three lives. Here are 25 more quick facts about giving blood. My husband has tons of t-shirts from all the blood drives he does. Donors can give every eight weeks. However, he sometimes travels to places that delay his...

Four Best Sites to Tackle Issues That Pull at YOUR Heart

During this time of new year’s resolutions, people look inward to discover what it is they would like to change about themselves and their lives. It’s a wonderfully revolutionary time that can mean goal setting and real change throughout a new year. Unfortunately, often people don’t have resources to support their goals which causes them to falter and fall away from their lofty intentions.   For those of you that want to do more to change the world in the new year, I’m going to provide support for you. Throughout the year, I’ll give you ways to help nonprofits, find volunteering opportunities and take small actions that can make a big difference. In that spirit, I’m going to provide four great sites for getting more involved in 2012.   These sites have lots of resources for making a difference and are also organized to help you find the best cause for you. They also have something in common. They all offer petitions that you can support or places that you can start yo...

Resolution Kept!

In 2011, I made a resolution to exercise more, at least 2-3 times a week. It’s a resolution that I’ve kept throughout the year unless I was sick. It’s a popular resolution because we all know how good exercise is for us and many of us would like to lose a few pounds, too. Two things helped me keep this resolution more than anything else. First, I made a friend who was my exercise buddy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We ran/walked together using the Galloway method to prevent injury and increase running speed. My exercise partner is the best and I highly recommend getting one. Now that it’s too cold for us to run outside, we meet and work out together at a gym on those two days that we have set aside for our health. Secondly, I began using a website dedicated to helping others. You might ask how this would help me keep up my workouts. That’s a good question. The site is Plus 3 Network . It’s a place to log your exercise time and sponsors give money to a charity of your choice when yo...

Mentoring and Microfinancing

January is National Mentoring Month. When most people think of mentoring, they think of volunteers spending time with young people and helping them become adults. That is an important form of mentoring, but there are mentors that help adults as well. When mentoring is partnered with microfinance in the poorest parts of the world, people learn how to make their own opportunities to succeed.   The newest mentoring opportunities in business are set up by organizations that want new businesses to bloom and grow. Business leaders can volunteer to share their knowledge with young entrepreneurs building their own businesses across the world. MicroMentor provides small businesses with mentors who are willing to share their experience owning or managing businesses. Through telephone calls, MicroMentor mentors work with entrepreneurs so no in-person meetings are required. Agora Partnerships is another mentoring organization that focuses on young entrepreneurs who are addressing socia...