The Gift of Life
Everybody has their own way to make a difference in the world. Some have the time to volunteer a regular amount of time every week. Others give regularly to their charity of choice. Still others raise money for sporting events in which they participate. Some spend time on the computer clicking for a cause or e-mentoring. My husband and oldest sister donate in another way. They give blood to help save lives. January is National Blood Donor Month because during the winter people give blood less often. Yet the need does not go away during the winter months. In fact the Red Cross reports that every two seconds in the United States, someone needs blood and 44,000 units of blood are needed every day. One pint of blood can help save up to three lives. Here are 25 more quick facts about giving blood. My husband has tons of t-shirts from all the blood drives he does. Donors can give every eight weeks. However, he sometimes travels to places that delay his...