Keep America Beautiful
Our son is a boy scout and loves to camp. I like to think he got his love of the outdoors from us since I love hiking and enjoy camping myself. Before boy scouts, he was in the Adventure Guides program through the YMCA. The leader of the group was wonderful and one of the things he always made the boys do before they set up camp and after we broke it down was to pick up 10 pieces of trash. It’s something I hope my son will always take with him, the idea that taking care of the environment is an important responsibility of stewardship. If we are to enjoy the great outdoors, we need to take care of them. This month began the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) Great American Cleanup. It goes from March 1 through May 31 every year and is America’s largest annual community improvement program. Last year 3.8 million volunteers put in 5.2 million hours at 30,629 events around the country and the world. Volunteers also planted 166,000 trees and planted 1.5 mill...