The Movember Month and Military Day

This month is a phenomenon in men’s health known as Movember. It’s all about sporting a Mo (mustache) and growing it to great lengths while you shun shaving for the month. At the end of the month, you can show your Mo at a Mo Party.

In the meantime, you can share why you are growing your facial hair and why else? To support men’s health.  The Movember site has tons of information about men’s health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer as well as health resources for men.

While growing your Mo, you can also raise money to support research on cancers that affect men such as prostate cancer.  The funds go to programs run by Movember and its partners, the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG, the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

You can create an online page to which people can contribute for your Mo growth. Movember offers prizes for the teams with the best Mo page, the team and individual that raises the most money and also has random prizes for those that raise smaller amounts.

Before you start thinking this is just a men’s thing, I have to tell you that the Mo Bros are joined by Mo Sistas, too, and they can win their own prizes for fundraising.

Movember is an international event, having begun in Australia and grown to include Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from Russia to Antarctica.  At each of the Gala Partés, a man of Movember will be chosen and will then be in the running for International Man of Movember who gets two travel experiences, including an 11 day tour of Vietnam. 

Istock photos is getting in on the Movember train by matching donations to the iStache team up to $10,000 and doing crazy contests on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

I haven’t forgotten that today is Veteran’s Day as well. I just didn’t want to put off the blog on Movember any longer for those men who want to start growing their Mo’s today. 

I recently joined and found out that they are behind on their fundraising this year.  One of the ways you can honor soldiers is to send a donation their way.  They also provide lists of soldier requests for books and magazines, but you have to complete a form and send it in to get access.

I’ll just mention a few ways you can help soldiers and honor veterans, but the best site I have come across for veteran and soldier support is’s Support Our Troops. The site lists just about every program that’s out there so you just need to choose which one interests you the most.

I’ve also mentioned in my website’s “Today’s Ways to Help” that Polish-made Sobieski Vodka will contribute to the Fisher House each time you buy a bottle of their vodka up to $250,000 over the next year ending September 1. The Fisher House provides housing for military families when their loved ones are recovering in a military hospital.

So, don’t forget our military and also men’s health in Movember!


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