Playing for a Cause

Happy February! Today I want to share an easy way to help others that you don’t even have to get out of your chair at home to do.  It’s called playing for a cause. That’s right.  You can play your favorite games on your computer while money is given to a charity of your choice.

One of the best sites for this is gamesthatgive.  It offers 28 games to play for a variety of charities.  While you play there are advertisers, usually only one at the top of the game, who pay the charity for you, up to ten cents per minute you play. If you’re on Facebook, you can log in and play there and invite other friends to play as well. 

I’ve also mentioned Freerice before. I love this game because it’s like Jeopardy for a good cause. You choose what you want to learn or review, be it geography, sciences, English, humanities, math or languages. You then answer questions on the topic and for every answer you get right, ten grains of rice go to someone who’s hungry.  It’s all done through the World Food Programme.

Iwon has also gotten in on the game (pun intended) by offering a monthly prize of $5,000 for the charitable organization that has the most coins at the end of the month.  There are national charities for which you can play or you can start your own team and there’s one winner from each group each month. 

You earn coins as you play for your team and recruit other people to play, too. You earn more by playing Casino games and can also earn by using the Iwon search engine. You do have to download a toolbar to play the games. An added benefit is that your coins can still be used to enter sweepstakes.

Another game site for charity is called charitii.  You choose a charity to play for and then answer a crossword puzzle type game.

All these games are free, but OneBigGame offers awesome well known video games for a price and donates a percentage to its charity partners Save the Children and the Starlight Children's Foundation.

So, now it’s time to start playing!


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