year if you were to visit a class of 40 students, on average by the end of the
year ten of those 40 students will have dropped out of that school. In a
school of two thousand students, that would be five hundred dropouts. Frightening
numbers, aren’t they?
Colin Powell founded America’s
Promise Alliance over a decade ago. In 2010, America’s Promise launched the Grad Nation
campaign to fight back against the dropout trend. According to the America’s Promise Alliance
Grad Nation is a large and growing movement of dedicated individuals,
organizations and communities working together to end America’s dropout crisis.
Grad Nation goals include achieving a 90 percent graduation rate nationwide by
2020, with no high school graduating less than 80 percent of its students, and
regaining America’s standing as first in the world in college completion.Grad
Nation is a 10-year initiative focused on mobilizing Americans to end the
dropout crisis and ensure that young people have the supports they need for
college and a 21st century career.
The above numbers are an average because the nation’s lowest-performing
high schools actually account for about 50 percent of all young people who drop
out of school. Grad Nation concentrates special attention on the communities
surrounding these schools.
What Grad Nation found was that students who have five
things, or five promises, fulfilled in their lives have a greater chance of
finishing school, of making good grades and of contributing to their communities
and avoiding violence.
The five promises important for the success of high
school students are caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, effective
education and opportunities to help others. Young people must experience these
critical supports in their families, at schools and out in their communities
throughout their lives for success.
I find it insightful that one of those supports is about
helping others. One of my favorite quotations is by Antoine De Saint Exupery that
“When you give yourself, you receive more than you give.” It’s so true.
Grad Nation has worked to find Promise Places to provide
these supports for students. Promise Places
include schools, churches, community organizations, businesses or any other
place that provides all five promises to young people.
America’s Promise and AT&T have also begun an alliance of young leaders
from across the nation called Impact Network which unites and empowers youth to
take action to address the challenges facing their communities. These young
people have the opportunity to put their ideas into action using Idea Grants funded
by AT&T.
At the beginning of this year, ReadyNation joined America’s Promise to
expand support for early childhood as a key starting point in improving high
school graduation rates and delivering the Five Promises.
All of these programs are useless without participation from organizations
and individuals. If you are concerned about dropouts in your community, I urge
you to contact America’s Promise
and see what you can do to help. It’s impossible to ignore the seriousness of
this problem when one fourth of all students are not graduating from high
school in America. Think about it at the beginning of this school year.
No cause is more important than education. The future of our Countries rests on the young, the least we can do is help them find the road to learning, and even more important, the enjoyment of learning so it stays with them for life and like a baton in a relay race is passed from one generation to another.