Angels Update

Happy Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Week! It’s time for an Angels update. My Relay for Life team Angels for a Cure did so great on our bake sales. We made nearly $900! People were outbidding each other for cakes and we had enough cookies to feed half of Pensacola. The extras went to the Waterfront Rescue Mission Sunday night meal and the minister there was so grateful to get them.

We just had our Giveback days at Ruby Tuesday, too, on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I won’t know how we did on that for a couple weeks. It’s the first time we’ve ever done that, so I’m interested to know how it went. We passed out about 250 flyers and invited people through Facebook. Then our team had our meeting at Ruby Tuesday and had dinner there. We get 20 percent of sales back when people show the flyer we gave out.

Our next fundraiser, a Chili Cookoff, is going so well except for one thing—no ticket sales. I’ve gotten donations of cookies and drinks from Publix. We’ve got eight chili chefs and I even had to turn a couple more away. I’ve been planning for a hundred people to come but the tickets aren’t selling at the three campuses, I mean at all. I called a couple days ago and not one had been sold. I also gave out tickets to members of the team to sell, but no one’s been selling those either.

The cookoff's being held at the Fairpoint campus of our church, Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church. We’re supposed to sell tickets at all three of our church campuses this Sunday but we tried that at one of them last week and nothing happened. They don’t have a front desk at our beach service so I sent someone to sell tickets and she didn’t even sell one.  I’m beginning to get worried that we’ll have a ton of food and no one to eat it. We’ve also put out some money for paper goods, spoons, side items, plaques for the winners, and so on so we could lose money on this cookoff since we didn’t make the chili chefs pay any kind of entry fee.

I haven’t really advertised it outside the church because I thought we wouldn’t need to and in fact, I was worried we might run out of food. I’m not sure what to do now. It’s next weekend, so it’s a little late to do anything.

The little voice inside my head says it will be alright, that people will come in after the service but I keep seeing the Fellowship Hall set up with eight chili cooks and no people to eat their chili. If anyone has ideas, please leave a comment below. I’m placing this in God’s hands. Have a great weekend, everyone! 


  1. That was one great bake sale! I am so happy that things are going well for the Angels!


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