Today is the Day!

Today is the day. Today we have the Relay for Life in my hometown. We have already made about $500 over our goal of $3500 so I’m very happy going into the Relay. 

I am so excited about today. We’re going to be selling homemade coconut salt scrub that our Miss Pinterest Sam Roberts has made for us. She also had the idea of making hair ribbons and got us started on that. 

We’re going to be braiding hair, doing nails, selling jewelry and raffling some items, too. While the moms are getting pampered, we have some games for the kids to do as well. As for food, we went pretty simple, just muffins, apples, bananas, green tea, water and coffee. 

We’re having a spa theme to the booth this year and I’ve called it the Angels for a Cure Stress Reduction and Cancer Prevention Booth! I can’t wait to see what all the other teams are doing. I hope we make our goal for the Relay.

Our team has really come together. I’m so thankful to them. When my mother was sick, they kept right on through the Chili Cookoff without me. Now, a few of our members have out of town commitments this weekend and everyone else is stepping up. I really enjoyed seeing them get to know each other and become a real team.

Unfortunately, with all that’s been going on in my life, I haven’t written here for a couple weeks and for that I am sorry and I am not. If I had written here, I probably wouldn’t have read with my son at night before he went to bed. If I had written here, I probably wouldn’t have fielded so many calls the last couple of weeks from my Relay team. If I had written here, I definitely would not have gotten enough sleep.

I will be writing here every Friday as usual, so look for my entries but sometimes they may be a little shorter than usual, if I want to read to Chris or I need to go to bed on time. We can help other people but we also need to be there for the ones closest to us and take care of ourselves, too. God bless.


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