Acts of Kindness
I wanted to take a moment to report on the Great Kindness
Challenge, hoping that some of you out there took the challenge and came up
with something kind to do last Saturday. If so, please share your experience in
the comments below.
I have to say, when you come into a room full of ladies with
a bunch of flowers in your hands, people tend to perk up a little. You can
almost hear them thinking, “Who is getting those? Could it be me?”
A dozen strangers at my church got an individually wrapped
pink rose put at their seats. I left them randomly while most of the ladies
were out of the room, because once I got there, I realized I’d have to choose
12 ladies out of dozens, an impossible task. Who’s to say one is more worthy
than another? Not me, that’s for sure.
Anyway, it was nice to see that my first experiment went so
well. Everyone was thrilled to get their flowers. A couple people did identify
me as the culprit giving them out and asked why, so I told them about the Great
Kindness Challenge.
The next kindness task was for one of the pastors at this
church. Since we’ve only been going there a few months and he was an assistant
pastor that I’d only heard preach one time, I wasn’t sure what his name was. But
that one sermon had been unforgettable.
While he was talking about temptation and overcoming it, he
had a symbol of his own battle in front of him in the form of a hamburger
patty, with onions, cheese, tomato and his favorite of all—BACON. He cooked the
whole thing up while he gave the sermon. Talk about multitasking!
And despite his longings, he also gave it away after the
sermon. He spent quite a while explaining how bacon makes everything better and
he needed to try bacon-wrapped bacon.
So, when I was buying a card for a friend’s birthday and
stumbled upon a sign that said in symbols, I Love Bacon, a little voice in my
head (which I’m sure was from God) said “Buy it!” It wasn’t hard at all to
leave it on his desk for him. I didn’t get to see his reaction, but the
secretary who let me in said he would love it!
I then went to Walmart and got a few things I needed and
looked at the flowers again. I decided to get some vibrant orange, yellow and
purple daisies this time. I thought of several places to give them out, but I
ended up at our local Methodist thrift shop.
After asking if I could give them out, I waited for shoppers
to come by and offered flowers to them. Some said no, but changed their minds
when they found out they were free. Others accepted them happily.
I, in return, accepted their smiles and thanks and thought,
who’s getting the better deal here, them or me?
Altogether it was a lovely day and although I didn’t end
world hunger or promote world peace, I definitely made some people smile. Did
you? If you did, please share your acts of kindness in the comments whether or
not they happened on Saturday. I’m always looking for great ideas! Thanks and God
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