Empowered by God
Do you ever feel like there are too many issues out there
for you to make a difference? Believe it or not, I’ve felt this way before,
especially with my knowledge of all the things going on in the charity world.
For instance, last week, there were three different things I
wanted to talk about—National Literacy Day on the 8th, September 11
as a day of service, and National Suicide Prevention Week. If you “tuned in”
last week, you know I settled on the latter.
Why? Simply because I’ve written about the other two and
hadn’t written about the third one yet. I felt like it was time. On the tenth
anniversary of September 11, I definitely focused on that and as a former
English teacher, I’ve written about literacy throughout the year.
The two other issues are important to me. I buy my books
from Better World Books because I know they give books to people that need them
and provide literacy programs throughout the world. I also made brownies and
cookies for my local firefighters on September 11.
This month is full of awareness days and I won’t get to them
all, but I’ll do my best.
In the meantime, what do you do when you feel overwhelmed by
all the charity issues around you? Some advocate choosing one issue and
focusing on it. I do that. Cancer research and prevention is my main issue
because there has been a lot of cancer in my family. I have volunteered at the
American Cancer Society, captained a Relay for Life team, and given to cancer
causes on a regular basis.
But that’s not enough for me.
I also sometimes feel a pull on my heart to do something for
another cause. There’s nothing wrong with that and in fact, that could be God
guiding you through the Holy Spirit to do something He wants you to do.
We all do many things to help others—buy Girl Scout cookies,
get a raffle ticket or silent auction item, let a neighbor borrow our weed whacker,
visit an elderly person who can’t get out, donate some cans at Thanksgiving to
local food banks.
I want you to know that God appreciates every single, little
thing you do to help others. He values your care and concern for others. He
wants you to be His hands and feet.
The little things we do, like buying books from Better World
or making some brownies for the firefighters add up to big things to God.
This month is Hunger Action Month and our church will be
donating money and food to fill up our local pantries. I may only bring a few
cans as a donation, but maybe that’s all I can do. God will take that one,
small action and multiply it for good. He’ll do it for you, too. So, don’t feel
overwhelmed. Feel empowered by God. God Bless, everyone!
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