One More Time, OK, Maybe Two

I took a break from Relay for Life last year for the most part and I'll be honest, in some ways I've missed it. In other ways, I have enjoyed having more time.

OK, I did raise $250 to keep myself out of the fake jail they put up at our Relay (try it if you haven't, you can raise lots of money by promising to put people in jail, or not, based on whether they raise money!) and I did write an article about the honorary chair at the Relay last year in my town for our local newspaper. And, gosh I can't miss one of the biggest events of the year, so I went. But, that was about it. I wasn't on the board and I didn't have a team of my own.

In the meantime, some things changed. My husband and I both started new jobs on the same day for one. And, I found out that the new company supports Relay but they have never had a team at this location. So, I wondered. Should I say something about it? or not? Eventually, it came out that I had worked on Relay and when they decided to have a team, they came to me.

So, I'm a RFL Co-Captain again! We only have a couple months before Relay so we're off and running. Our first raffle raised over $200 and our 14 team members have raised an additional $200 so far. Wow! I forgot about that rush you get when you start seeing the money coming in.

So, we have lots of cool fundraisers planned already and I'm excited, but also a little nervous. I've never had a Relay team at work before and I don't want to step on people's toes. So, wish me luck with that!

Oh, and since I'm supposed to be talking about ways to help others, I'll mention the fundraisers we're talking about: a bowling tournament, a trivia contest, selling Sham-O-Grams for St. Patrick's Day next week, several raffles, a car wash, a pie-in-the-face contest, a few Give Back Nights, a fashion show, and a donated Photo Shoot opportunity. I know we won't do all of these, but I'm still sure I'm going to be very busy the next 3 months!

Luckily, lots of people are stepping up at my company to help. Thanks to all of them for helping us kick cancer in the butt!

God Bless,


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