10 Last Minute Gifts That Don’t Require Shipping

Christmas is getting closer but it’s not too late to do something to make a difference this holiday.  The unique items below can be given with the best intentions—to help others.  You can also send the notice of the present by email or in many cases, you can print out your own card to hand to your friend or family member. 

Sight for the Blind in Nepal from Alternative Gifts International- $110 pays for lens implant surgery for one person or $33 pays for equipment, training, or outreach for an eye care clinic.

Soccer Ball for Needy Children from Compassion International - $13 pays for soccer balls and sport camps for kids who wouldn’t otherwise be able to play. 
A llama from Heifer International – A share is $20 while a whole llama is $150.  Heifer provides all kinds of animals from chicks to water buffalo to families that can use them to generate income and useful resources for the family.

Crickets from Mercy Corps International – for $33, they provide a meal for chickens and a small business for a family in need.
Tools from Oxfam American Unwrapped – for $25 you can provide tools for rebuilding communities around the world.

Mosquito Nets for a Family from Plan International  -  for $30 you can save a family of seven from mosquito-transmitted malaria, the number one killer of children under five all over Africa.
Warm Blankets from International Rescue Committee - $84 to provide blankets and comfort to families who have lost their homes due to natural disaster.

Books for Children from Trees for Life International – from $5 to $100 you can provide 1 to 20 books for children in their native language.
Small Business Loan from World Vision International – for $100 you can help an impoverished woman start or expand her business so she can feed, clothe and educate her children. The loans are repaid and then used to provide new loans to others.

Good Card or Tis Best Card (any amount) – If you can’t decide what to get, then let the recipient decide.  You pay for the value on the card and the recipient chooses a charity to which it will be donated.
Happy last minute shopping!


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