Experience Will Tell

I’m fighting a cold today and definitely feeling under the weather so my blog will be shorter than usual.  I read somewhere once that people enjoy and remember experiences more than gifts.  It makes sense. I will have forgotten who gave me a scarf for Christmas three years ago, but I won’t forget when my husband and I went parasailing last summer.

So I’m about to share a great place you can buy one of a kind experiences.  I couldn’t end the giving season of the year without mentioning CharityBuzz.  Now, you can give an exciting experience to your loved one that cannot be found in any store.  The great thing about it is that the money you spend on the experience will also go to a charity.

What kind of experiences are available? Meet and greets with celebrities and sports figures, trips of a lifetime, concerts, cooking classes and  consultations with a professional life coach or famous designer are just a few of the items up for bid. It’s all done in an auction format.  Items are also for sale such as memorabilia and art.

Celebrities featured in the past include Lady Gaga, Barbara Streisand, Snoop Dogg, President Bill Clinton, Paul McCartney, Ashton Kutcher, Yankee baseball player Curtis Granderson, Jennifer Lopez and more.

Right now for New Year’s there is an auction to fly in a private jet to Las Vegas to ring in 2012 with Fergie at the 1 OAK Nightclub.  There are also 2 tickets available to see the Giants versus the Cowboys on New Year’s Day.

The person or group offering these experiences and items have chosen a charity for the proceeds.  You get the experience of a lifetime and the charity benefits. Great Britain has a similar site called mycharitywins.

What a Christmas gift, New Year’s experience or birthday present to astonish a friend or family member!  I hope everyone has a lovely and wonderful holiday and enjoys the experience of spending it with family and friends. Merry Christmas, everyone!


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