What Does Giving Biblically Look Like?

Five more kids will have presents from their fathers in prison this year because of the Angel Tree program and the ladies of my bible study. I called some local churches and one of them said they’d look into doing Angel Tree next year, too.  I know it’s not much but it’s something those five kids will not soon forget.

Today I’m going over to my local food bank to drop off food from my hurricane closet. Hurricane season ends when November does so I cleaned out my closet and had a bunch of canned soup, ravioli and veggies to donate. I put a note on my Facebook page so my friends can give me items to donate, too.

Last year we had a food drive at my birthday party in lieu of gifts so we were able to bring a nice box of items. When I called the food bank, they were eager to get the food with so many people stopping by right now needing it. We already sent a bag of Christmas food and money for a turkey through our church.

I can’t help it. I keep hearing on the radio about the one in four children who go to bed hungry and start crying. Of course, it doesn’t help that so many children died at Sandy Hook Elementary. I feel on the edge of tears because of that happening as well.

We sent a $100 to our child in Niger so his family can get something they really need. Later a boy came to our door asking for money to send magazine subscriptions to kids in hospitals. It also helps him earn money for college. We gave him $75, too.

It’s only four more days until Christmas and I’m wondering what giving means to you. Compassion has asked what giving biblically looks like in today’s culture. I’ve given some examples of how we’re giving and want to know how you are.

Christmas is a great season to spend time with family and friends. It’s nice to get little presents and reminders of love from each other. We also know it is a celebration of the greatest gift—Jesus.

So what does giving look like to you? I usually give some gifts from charitable organizations as Christmas presents. I did a list of last minute gifts from them last week. Our child Abdou in Niger should be getting one this year from us.

Compassion offers a great Christmas Gift Catalog where you can help people not just for a day but for weeks to come. You can give gifts like water, medical care, disaster relief, or education. Consider if God is asking you to help others this year in a way that may be new to you through Compassion. Here is the link http://www.compassion.com/catalog.htm?referer=128060.

Thank you, God, for giving us so many gifts this year! Merry Christmas, everyone.


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