Top 11 Last Minute Gifts

Top 11 Last Minute Charitable Christmas Gifts

Christmas is getting closer but it's not too late to do something to make a difference this holiday. The unique items below can be given with the best intentions—to help others. There’s still time to get a notification card sent to the recipient but even if you wait, you can send the notice of the present by email or in many cases, you can print out your own card to hand to your friend or family member. 

1.       Alternative Gifts International - $11 pays for a share of a yak for orphaned and destitute children in the Tibetan regions of remote western China.

2.      Spend $25 or more to free forced labor slaves with International Justice Mission.

3.      A llama from Heifer International - A share is $20 while a whole llama is $150. Heifer provides all kinds of animals from chicks to water buffalo to families that can use them to generate income and useful resources for the family.

4.      A chicken from Mercy Corps International - for $35, it provides eggs and future hatchlings as well.

5.      School supplies from Oxfam American Unwrapped - for $25 you can provide School supplies like rulers, notebooks, erasers, pencils, and pens that mean that a child will have the necessary tools for class.

6.      Mosquito Nets for a family from Plan International - for $50 you can save a family of seven from mosquito-transmitted malaria, the number one killer of children under five all over Africa.

7.      Shelter in refugee camps from International Rescue Committee - $54 provide sets of rope and durable plastic sheeting to help four families construct temporary shelters in refugee camps, keeping them safe from the elements.

8.     Books for children from Trees for Life International - from $5 to $100 you can provide 1 to 20 books for children in their native language.

9.      Small business loan from World Vision International - for $100 you can help an impoverished woman start or expand her business so she can feed, clothe and educate her children. The loans are repaid and then used to provide new loans to others.

10.  Give food for a year to a child so he or she can stay in school for $50 through World Food Programme.

11.   Good Card (any amount) - If you can't decide what to get, then let the recipient decide. You pay for the value on the card and the recipient chooses a charity to which it will be donated.

Happy last minute shopping!



  1. Hi Anne- in response to Your Next Big Thing- which I am to then forwad on to other auhtors- who will hopefully respond back so more of you will see what cool things God is leading them to write in order to Spread His Word - so her goes:

    Ten Interview Questions for the Next Big Thing:

    What is your working title of your book?

    Hush in the Storm

    Where did the idea come from for the book?
    My sister actually. She said, "you love to read mysteries, why don't you write one. I didn't think God wanted me to m bump anyone off, so I went for suspense with a hint of romance instead.

    What genre does your book fall under? Contemporary Christian Suspense

    Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
    Perhaps unknowns, like me, so they can make a name for themselves.

    What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?Jen, a young widow tossed in a storm of grief is kidnapped by a coworker named Tom, at the request of her late husband, or so Tom says.

    Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Have a publisher "nibbling" now. Wathcing the string bob in the water - bite, please bite hard - hook, line and sinker!

    How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
    Five weeks- remember, you asked about the first draft. The second and third and fourth took much longer.

    What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
    Vengeance Squad by Sid Frost, Deliver From Evil Trilogy- Kathi Macias

    Who or what inspired you to write this book?
    My sister, and believe it or not, God. Really. He took it in a direction I never expected. As I wrote I kept thinking, where is this going and why are You leading me into these subplots?

    What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
    Tom kidnaps Jen and fakes her death to protect her from the cartel whom he says caused her husband's fatal car accident. As Tom and Jen dodge human traffickers, the Feds and the reporters who discover she is alive, clues surface to suggest Jen's husband may not be so dead after all.

    Yes, I am starting the firs draft to the sequel = Legitimate Lies

    I am forwarding this onto Diane Gates, Joy Brooks- Prayer For Freedom, Peggy Consolver, Lynn Hobbs


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